Ready to go. There might be a lot going on around me but I have the peace of mind to be successful. At least that's how I feel in the moment. I have been getting messages from people who support and love me, which has more of an effect on me than they know and that I even realized it would have.
In other news, I've been walking around the city quite a bit. Here are some pictures from a recent excursion
From the top: a monument near the national bank of Argentina, a surprise concert from the municipal police wind band in the botanical garden, a cool alleyway and another concert from the Israeli philharmonic that I actually planned to go to because it was awesome and free. The next up and coming adventures will be my first big test and moving into a hopefully permanent apartment. I feel good things coming. I happened upon this sign on my way back from eating dinner with some new friends:
I'm pretty sure what it says is a good omen: Soon you will enjoy the city more :)